August & September Wrap-Up: Continuing to Barely Read, but hey, I Got a Job! And Moved into an Apartment!

monthly wrap up

Whoops, long time no see! I just realized that it’s been nearly a month since I last posted. In my defense, life has been pretty hectic for me lately. In the middle of August I got hired as a receptionist for a doggie daycare. Then in September, my parents decided to sell our house, so I had to quickly find an apartment and move out! But I’m now living on my own! Of course under the supervision of two of my cats though–they have no problem screeching at me if I attempt to be a couch potato and bail on responsibilities.

Because of everything and the reading slump I was already falling into, I didn’t manage much reading nor blogging these past months. In August I managed 2 books (though one was a novella) and in September I read two books (both of which were rereads and one I just barely finished before the month ended). Fingers crossed I can fight my way outta this slump before the year ends.

August Reads:

1. Lobizona by Romina Garber

Rating: 4 stars

I was extremely honored to be offered the opportunity to participate in the Wednesday Books’ blog tour for Lobizona! This book was an addicting read and the perfect blend of staying true to the YA voice while also touching on so many important subjects. You can check out my full review here!

2. Laid Bare by Anna Stone

Rating: 2.5 stars

I can’t believe it took me this long to read this novella by my new favorite romance author! This is a prequel/novella in the Mistress Series. It’s about two women who fall in love after being trapped in an elevator together. A fun (and of course smutty) read!

Needless to say, I failed my ARC August plans

September Reads:

1. The Tea Dragon Society by Katie O’Neill

Rating: 5 stars!

After reading The Tea Dragon Festival earlier in the summer, I decided to go back and reread the first one! As many of you already know, O’Neill’s work is beautiful, cute, and inclusive. Now I just need to get my hands on the recently released third book…

2. The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi

Rating: 4.25 stars

September was apparently a month of rereads for me! I also buddy read this novel with Sammie @ The Bookwyrm’s Den! Did I binge-read the second half of the book while falling sleep in order to count it in September? MAAAAAybe.
Nonetheless, I’m still excited to see the characters again in the sequel! (I’m currently a few chapters in and already hooked).

Random Life Updates:

  • I got a job! I’m now working as a full-time receptionist for a local doggie daycare! It’s basically a minimum wage job, so definitely not a career or long-term job, but it’s a job!
    • It’s fun to see a bunch of different doggos everyday, but wow going from doing nothing to working full-time has been an adjustment!  
    • It’s actually already been 2 months since I started, which is so crazy!
  • I moved into an apartment! Given the above, my mother is currently helping me with the rent, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed I can convince someone to be my roommate.
    • I’ve never moved before (excluding packing for college) and wow I didn’t realize how much stuff I had and how exhausting it was to box it all up. To be honest, I had a couple of breakdowns during the process.
  • Given the exhaustion for the things above, I’ve continued to struggle with motivation and finding the energy to do things outside of the bare minimum. I’m hoping over the next couple of weeks as I start to check things off my list and maybe actually unpack my things, my stress will chill out. Fingers crossed.

Posts By Other Bloggers I Loved:

I wish I had something to put here and I’m totally ashamed that I don’t, but blog-hopping was also one of the things I fell off of during these last couple of months.

So if you have any posts of your own that you’re proud of or posts of others that you loved from August and September, please link them below in the comments! I would love to read them!

October TBR:

The Silvered Serpents– Buddy read with Sammie @ The Bookwyrm’s Den!

Kissing DoorknobsRecommended to me by my writing buddy! We’re trying this new thing where we assign each other books to read each month (and to keep ourselves accountable you get fined if it takes ya longer than the month). This is my October book! It follows a girl with OCD and I’m excited to pick it up!

The Girl in Red– This seems like the perfect spooky season read, right? Don’t know how likely I am to get to it but I wanna try!

How was your August & September? Anyone else going through some life changes?

Seriously, if you have a post that you wrote or adored from the last couple of months, don’t be afraid to drop the link in the comments!

2 thoughts on “August & September Wrap-Up: Continuing to Barely Read, but hey, I Got a Job! And Moved into an Apartment!”

    1. Just realized I never responded and now it’s a bazillion years later–so sorry!
      Thank you! 😀 Yeah, finding the motivation to pack and physically move everything was so hard, but I didn’t actually have much a choice in moving because I was previously living with my parents and they ended up selling their house. Luckily, my mom helped me find my apartment and do a lot of the moving


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