Tips for Motivating Yourself to Write During a Pandemic

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It’s almost July which means it’s almost Camp Nanowrimo time WHICH MEANS it’s time for me to attempt another post that inspires both you and myself to actually write! This pandemic is a weird and strange time, and I know that I’ve been having more difficulty in motivating myself to write (and even read!) than in the past. The days are passing by in a blur, and I imagine a lot of you feel the same.

Figuring out a writing routine is a constant experiment, and I know this pandemic has made it even more of a struggle, so here are some tips that I’m currently trying and that I hope will also be helpful for you!

1. Find an Accountability Partner!

This doesn’t necessarily have to be a writing buddy or a writing group, but find someone in your household (or someone you can socially distance with) with whom you can arrange work sessions. It doesn’t matter what the other person is working on, as long as you can each motivate each other to be productive! And if you don’t have someone in person you can meet with, find an online writing group that hosts regular writing sessions together! Participating in challenges like Camp Nano (which let’s you personalize your goal!) is a great way to find a community and organized writing times.

2. Bribery and Rewards

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Photo by Lum3n on

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: bribe and reward yourself for sitting down to write! One of my favorite foods is honeycomb cereal, and I only let myself eat it when I’m writing (or working on job apps, lol). So when I’m craving the cereal, I have to be productive, or find something (hopefully) healthier to eat (a win-win, right?). When I’m all filled up on cereal, I’ll motivate myself to write with coffee, tea, bubble tea, sparkling water, beer, or wine. (If you’re 21+, remember to drink responsibly!)

Like my Labrador, I am very food-motivated, which is why my examples are all edible, but the bribes and rewards you use don’t have to be food-related! Instead, you could institute bigger rewards, like finally buying yourself a gift (or doing a fun activity!) after reaching so many words or days of writing in a row.

I also understand that not everyone has the means to go out and spend money on bribes or rewards, so another option could be rearranging your schedule: allow writing time to ‘unlock’ another part of your day e.g. “I can only watch the next episode in my TV show after I’ve written.”

3. Make a Goal or Plan, and Keep a Record!

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Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Depending on how you are, this may or may not work for you. Personally, I like to stay organized and have some semblance of a plan of attack. The first step is to have a goal. Currently, my plan is to see if I can revamp an old novel idea from a couple years ago, so my goal is to complete a 50K first draft during July for Camp Nano! And even better yet if your goal has a deadline! (Trust me: goals & deadlines are powerful tools.)

In addition to having a goal, make sure you have a way to track and record your writing. This could involve check lists, a habit tracker app, a bullet journal, or simply recording your daily progress on a loose piece of paper. Personally, I find it so satisfying to check off items from a bullet list. Or if you do Camp NaNo, to watch your progress chart go up each day. (Yes, I keep pushing Camp Nano, but that’s because my Camp NaNo participation has always led to my most productive writing months and I will never stop recommending it to others.)

There’s also the issue of whether you’re a plotter, pantser, or a plantser (a mix of the two). I’m definitely a plantser; I need a base outline/plan, but it can’t be too rigid or I’ll get stressed: I need the flexibility to also find my story. Again, the key is experimentation, and finding which one works best for you! Don’t be afraid of trying new prep methods! Currently, I’ve been creating character profiles to get to know my characters better.

4. Experiment, and find a location and time of day to works best for you

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Photo by Anders Kristensen on

Routines are a great way to make sure you’re regularly implementing writing into your daily/weekly life, so take the time and experiment to see what time of day is most productive for you!

And if your current writing space isn’t working, try new locations! Test out different chairs, rooms, or even try going outside! Depending on where you live, going to coffee shops, libraries, or parks may not be an option. If you find going out works best for you, make sure to wear a mask, stay distant from others, sanitize, and to change your clothes/shower afterwards! Of course, I would recommend trying to stay on your own property before going out and risking your own health and other’s!

Lately, I’m been trying to write outdoors and actually use the furniture on my deck, so I’ve also been experimenting with time periods in the morning and evening.

5. Arm up with Writing Gear

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Photo by Element5 Digital on

I think this is especially important during a pandemic; dress to impress yourself, but also make sure you’re comfortable! On days I’m hoping to write, or I know I’ll be meeting with my writing buddy, I’ll usually try to wear one of my bookish t-shirts, or one of my writing totems (a writing totem is an article of clothing you only wear while writing to singal to yourself you’re leaving reality and entering a different frame of mind). Wear whatever you can that makes you happy, comfortable, and productive!

6. Start Small, and Be Kind to Yourself

We’re already in a pandemic/quarantine and full of more crazy and ugly emotions than usual, so don’t give yourself unnecessary stress. Start small, and aim to write a sentence or for 10 minutes a day–whatever works best for you. And be kind to yourself when you struggle; you and your mental, emotional, and physical health are important.


For more writing inspiration or ideas on how to motivate yourself, check out these other posts I’ve written over the last couple of years: Inspirational Writing Quotes, How to Motivate Yourself to Write, Writing Encouragement from the Midst of Camp NaNo, and Tips from Taking a Novel Writing Class.

Are you participating in Camp NaNo in July? What’s your current WIP about? Did you find any of these tips helpful? Do you have writing tips you’d like to recommend?

Happy Writing!

How to Motivate Yourself to Write

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In honor of Camp NaNoWriMo starting in July (in TWO DAYS, yikes), I thought I’d step away from my usual book-related posts and share some writing tips I use to get myself to sit down and actually write. I don’t know about you guys, but when it comes to reading and writing, I tend to swing one way or the other: I’m either ONLY reading or ONLY writing, and I continually struggle to balance these two passions. For the past 2 months, I’ve continually found myself saying: “Eh, writing? I’ll pick it back up tomorrow. Or this weekend. Or the next.” AND THEN IT NEVER HAPPENS. Literally, between May & June, I sat down and wrote a grand total of 10 TIMES. (Which is truly sad because I wrote every day in April for that month’s Camp NaNo).

So, basically, I’m writing this post not only motivate YOU, but to remind myself of ways I trick myself into writing. We can do this, you guys!

1. Bribe Yourself to Write!

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Whatever you consider a treat–bribe yourself with it to write. This can be things like coffee, soda, popcorn, and wine (if you’re 21+). You could take yourself out to a coffee shop. I tend to bribe myself with coffee drinks and wine in the evening. If you pair your writing sessions with things that you enjoy, you’ll form a positive association with writing.

2. Reward Yourself for Writing!

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Now, I know this sounds pretty similar to the first tip, but while bribing yourself is something you do to actually write, while rewarding yourself is something you can do upon the completion of a successful writing session. Rewards can be whatever you want, as long it motivates you. Again, this can be food or drinks, or as simple as watching the next episode in your fav TV show, or spending an hour reading.

Additionally, you can make long term rewards. E.g. “If I finish my current draft of my WIP, I’ll buy myself that book I’ve had my eye on for awhile now.”  Or you could set rewards for every 50K or 10K words you reach.

3. Have a Writing Totem! Or food, or music…

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Now you’re probably asking, “What’s a writing totem?” This is something that I learned about in Chris Baty’s book, No Plot? No Problem!. A writing totem is something that you only wear when you write, to signal to yourself that you’ve switched over to writing mood. This could be a hat, a scarf, or even something as simple as earrings.

But honestly, this doesn’t even have to be an article of clothing. It could be a certain type of food you eat, or music you listen to. It could even be a specific scented candle that you light! As long as you ONLY utilize these items when you write, so they’re special to your writing sessions.

What I do is only allow myself to eat Honeycomb cereal when I write. I don’t let myself eat it any other time, even though it’s my favorite cereal. So if I want to eat Honeycomb cereal, I have to be writing or working on my WIP in some degree.

4. Dress for Battle!

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Though this is somewhat similar to wearing a writing totem, it’s not quite the same. Essentially, dress to impress yourself. If lounging around in your pjs makes you feel lazy & unmotivated, simply get dressed! Wear your favorite clothes and do whatever makes you feel like you’re at your best. On weekends, when I hope to get a lot of writing done, I like to braid back my hair and sometimes put on a little makeup. And I always wear my favorite graphic tees or cute tank tops. So if adorning a beret makes you feel artsy, do it! Dress however makes your writer self happy.

5. Participate in Writing Challenges!

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Whether it’s international or personal, join challenges and hold yourself accountable! In July 2018 and April 2019, I participated in Camp NaNo, and the online forums and tracking really helped me stay motivated and accomplish a lot of writing. If you haven’t tried Camp NaNoWriMo before, I totally recommend it! You can personalize your goal to fit your circumstances.

Currently, my writing buddy and I are competing to see who can write the most words in June. Loser buys the other a coffee. (I’m super competitive, so I really need to go see how much writing I can cram into these last two days, because I think she’s currently beating me…)

Also, if you guys know about more organized writing challenges, please let me know!

6. Find a Writing Community!

This is so important to have, not only to motivate yourself to write, but as a writer in general! Find your community, whether in be a local group, online forum, or a few writing buddies. I don’t know where I’d be without my writing buddy, who I’ve known since high school. She’s there to not only read my work and give feedback, but she let’s me bounce ideas off of her. She keeps me excited and motivated to work on my WIP, even when it seems like everything I write is a mess.

This past year, I’ve also discovered a few writing groups through Meetup. This site allows you to not only discover local writing events, but all different bizarre kinds of meetups! This is where I discovered the international group, Shut Up & Write!. All around the world, people meet up to simply write together for an uninterrupted hour. When I was in NYC and working on my creative writing project, these weekly writing meetups were a lifesaver–I got a lot written in these hours than I ever did on my own. And even if you can’t find anything on Meetup, look for groups through your local libraries and bookstores. Trust me, there are other writers out there waiting to connect with you!

Remember, every writer is different, so experiment with what works best in motivating yourself to write. You guys totally got this–I believe in you. Happy writing! ❤

How do you motivate yourself to write? Do any of these tips appeal to you? Are you participating in Camp NaNo? What’s your current WIP about? Let me know down in the comments!