WWW Wednesday: July 8th, 2020

WWW Wednesday

Hello, all! Sorry I’ve been pretty scarce this last week–I’ve fully dived into Camp NaNoWriMo and my WIP. My goal is to complete 50K word draft this July, so writing as taken up a lot of my headspace. 😅

But once again, it’s been a bit since I’ve participated in a WWW Wednesday, so I wanted to quickly update you on my reading (or err, non-reading). Now instead of webcomics, TV dramas are the main loves of my distractions and lack of motivation (when I’m not writing or napping, that is 😉 ).

For those of you who don’t know: WWW Wednesday is a weekly book meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words where you answer 3 ‘what’ questions about your reading.

(Also, wow, apparently this reading update marks my 200th post?! It simultaneously seems like I’ve written too much and too little content to reach this number!)

What did you recently finish reading?

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My reading has slowed down a bit, but the last book I finished was Girl, Serpent, Thorn back in June! I’ve already screeched about it in my last couple posts, but I’ll say it again: IT WAS SO GOOD! It’s a YA fantasy that’s simultaneously a fairytale retelling/mashup and also uniquely its own tale! It draws inspiration from Persian mythology and Zoroastrianism, contains demons & monsters, and features a cute sapphic rommance! I wish there had been more, and I want there to be more books like this one! You can read my full review here.

What are you currently reading?

A lot still, whoops. I’m currently buddy reading Sorcery of Thorns with Sammie @ The Bookwyrm’s Den and adoring it! I’m also buddy reading Stamped from the Beginning with my writing buddy (the audiobook is free on Spotify FYI). I, Coriander is a book that I actually picked up yesterday. I read it like 11 years ago as a child, and was actually given a copy as a gift. I was thinking about it the other day when compiling Part 2 of my favorite fantasy standalones and decided to go back and reread it! AND finally, I still keep meaning to go back and finish The Silmarillion and The Unspoken Name (which I haven’t touched in, erm, months).

What do you think you’ll read next?

Great question. Hopefully some ARCs?? I’m participating in the blog tour for Lobizona in early August, so I need to make sure I pick it up soon. Ballistic is an unrequested ARC I was sent by 47North. It technically released in May, but I didn’t finish the first book until last month, so I want to make sure I continue on with the series soon.

What books are you currently reading? Find any new books you’d recommend? Anyone else here participating in Camp NaNoWriMo? Any tips on how to balance reading, writing, and blogging on a regular basis?

Also, if you participated in WWW Wednesday this week, feel free to drop the link in the comments; I would love to check it out!

WWW Wednesday: May 20th, 2020

WWW Wednesday

Hi, all! Hope everyone is continuing to stay safe and take care of themselves! (remember: self-care is so important during this time and should be a top priority ❤ ) Time is going by in a blur and I can’t believe its already over half-way through May! So far I’ve read 4 books this month and I’m crossing my fingers I can come close to doubling that, but I’m not gonna put any pressure on myself.

For those of you who don’t know: WWW Wednesday is a weekly book meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words where you answer 3 ‘what’ questions about your reading.

What did you recently finish reading?

Eh, can you tell I’m back to my cheesy romance books from Kindle Unlimited? I was intrigued by the fantasy aspect at first in the Court of the Sea Fae series and while it was interesting at times, the books ended up being very…meh. The dialogue is amusing because it possesses that weird, realistic, and self-aware humor, but it was also annoying because almost everyone has this same bizarre sense of humor and they all talked the same!? Not to mention, but the second book had SO MANY ACOMAF parallels, my goodness. Don’t think I’ll read the final book of the series unless I’m bored and wanting a quick, easy read.

What are you currently reading?

Ermmm, a lot technically, but really just A Million Junes by Emily Henry. (Someday I will return to these other books that have been sitting on my currently reading shelf for months, I swear!) I started AMJ a week ago and while it’s really good and I enjoy it, I just keep forgetting to pick it up and read it? I think part of the reason is that I keep getting distracted by webcomics, whoops.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Great question! Whatever hits my mood, and fulfills a prompt for the SeaMAYden-a-thon! I did make a poll on Goodreads the other day, and Renegades, Girls of Paper and Fire, and Lock Every Door were the top 3 books voted for (out of the books I was initially considering for the readathon–you can see my TBR here). But really, who knows?

What books have you been reading this month? Any new favorites or recommendations?

Also, if you participated in WWW Wednesday this week (or have any other recent posts ya wanna share), feel free to drop the link in the comments; I would love to check it out!

Posting Schedule Update | WWW Wednesday: March 18th, 2020

WWW Wednesday

Hi, all! I hope everyone is currently safe and healthy. So…it’s been 3 weeks since I last posted, and honestly I didn’t even realize it till I looked at the date of my last post. 😅 School has been crazy (as always) and especially overwhelming with the recent decision of my college to kick us to online classes. Luckily, this week is my spring break so I’ve been able to be in denial and hang out with my housemates but this has also resulted in me having like no motivation to do really anything fun in terms of individual activities e.g. blogging, reading, writing.

So what I’m trying to say here is… I have absolutely no clue how often I’ll be posting, if at all, for the next couple of months. I would love to get this post up today, then come back with my February wrap-up this weekend, and then a TTT next Tuesday and stay strong in my reading and blogging game during this social distancing time in the U.S.. But I don’t know how realistic that is and I don’t want to hold myself to any potentially stressful expectations.

So yeah…please don’t be surprised if I go on a hiatus or a semi-hiatus (even tho I kinda already was, lol).

Wow okay, so sorry for that long intro, let’s get into what I’ve been reading! Due to school and actually being able to pick up a fun book yesterday, I actually sorta have books to talk about!

(Also, for those of you who don’t know: WWW Wednesday is a weekly book meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words where you answer 3 ‘what’ questions about your reading.)

What did you recently finish reading?


Last week I finished reading The Fellowship of the Ring! YES, I’m finally reading The Lord of the Rings! It’s for my Tolkien & Medieval Lit class. And lol yes, my copy really does have this old cover, albeit in somewhat better condition than this image from GR. I’m really loving reading about Middle Earth (so far I’ve read The Hobbit and most of The Silmarillion) and the antics and sass of all these characters. As expected, I’m adoring the characters of Sam and Gandulf. I did find the beginning/first half to be slow, but I can’t wait to see how the story continues!

What are you currently reading?

  • The Silmarillion– STILL need to go back and finish the chapters my class skipped over.
  • The Tolkien Reader– Read a couple sections for class, and I believe we’re coming back to it again later.
  • The Unspoken Name– WHOOPS, I haven’t touched this in a month, but like…hopefully I’ll return to it soon?
  • House of Earth and Blood– I finally found the motivation to pick this up and ahhh, I’m adoring it! Yes, it’s still full of SJM’s dramatic writing and stereotypes, but it’s exactly what I need right now. I started last night around 10pm and I’m already 100+ pages in.

What do you think you’ll read next?


Honestly, I have no clue? I have a couple books from the library and lots that I own sitting on my shelf. Perhaps The Girl in Red, but also I don’t know if I could do horror right now? I also just wanna focus on my current reads. Hmmm, I’ll probably just try mood reading because I don’t wanna force myself to read anything else than I already will have to for school.

For classes tho I will be starting the next LOTR book and The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell!

How is everyone holding up? Anything I can do to help? Are you also struggling with your blogging*/reading? Read any good books recently?

Also, if you participated in WWW Wednesday this week (or have any other recent posts ya wanna share), feel free to drop the link in the comments; I would love to check it out!

*I must say though that I feel quite a bit better after finally getting around to writing a blog post and being freshly showered. 😊

WWW Wednesday: January 29th, 2020

WWW Wednesday

Wow, I just realized I haven’t written a WWW Wednesday post since October! Last semester was crazy (as you probably noticed by my sparse and late postings), but I really missed these fun little update posts!

I haven’t been able to do as much reading as I would have liked this month, but hopefully it’ll pick up soon!

Also, stay tuned for a 2019 Wrap-Up post coming from me (finally). Fingers crossed I’ll get it up by Friday!

Also, for those of you who don’t know: WWW Wednesday is a weekly book meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words where you answer 3 ‘what’ questions about your reading.

What did you recently finish reading?


Frederick Buechner’s Telling Secrets. It’s only the second book I’ve finished so far this year *cry* (I’ve been so slow!). I was required to read this for a seminar I’m currently taking. Buechner has a lot of great thoughts and ideas (and notes about writing!), but for a memoir that’s only 106 pages, I struggled way too much to get through it. The author spends the majority of this book in his head sharing his ideologies and contemplations and I completely stumbled through these sections. I guess in memoir I expect the sections to be grounded in scenes and concrete imagery and that was definitely not the case here.

What are you currently reading?

A lot! All these books, with the exception of What I Want You to See, are books I’m reading for class. Yes, I’m finally reading Tolkien (as you can see above, we started with The Silmarillion and The Tolkien Reader)! I’m actually taking a whole class on his work and Medieval literature!

What I Want You to See is a book I’m reading for a (rapidly approaching, eek) blog tour! My plan is to finish this book and Blankets before the end of the month. *fingers crossed*

What do you think you’ll read next?

Hopefully many things! In early February I’m starting my (first!) buddy read and reading The Unspoken Name with Sammie @ The Writerly Way. After that I think I might pick up the Dragons & Tea February group read, Let’s Talk About Love. But who knows?! Maybe I’ll pick up something totally random and mood read! But most of what you’ll probably see on my blog are more books for classes, lol.

Have you read any of these books? How often do you participate in WWW Wednesday posts? Hope everyone is having a great reading month!

Also, if you participated in WWW Wednesday this week, feel free to drop the link in the comments; I would love to check it out!